Tuesday 13 March 2012

My caribbean Holiday - Villas from My Luxury Villas

Map of the Caribbean Islands

Hi, this is the first of many posting (I hope) to bring to your attention the fantastic range of luxury villas available from http://www.myluxuryvillas.com which has over 1200 villas worldwide, from Mexico in the west, to Bali and Thailand in the East, we have a great range of the very top luxury villas available.
It won’t be all shop talk, dear lord no, that would be boring, there will be stories, news items and bits and pieces of silliness as well and we would be most happy for you to add to this blog with your own photographs, videos and snippets of news items and even recipes, these always go down well (no pun intended)
So, let’s get started with the Caribbean Islands, where to go, what to do and where the best bargains are. If you have anything you wish to contribute Robbie@jamaicavideos.co.uk

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