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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Grenada destination weddings and vacations

Grenada: Caribbean vacations with a smile.
Where will you go this year for your vacation? Somewhere special I suppose, somewhere new, somewhere you have planned to go for a long time and finally managed to get it booked? Then look at what Luxury Arrivals have for you, a fantastic vacation in a luxury villa in Grenada.
When you discover the glory of Grenada, you feel the pure warmth of our people. Our accommodations, nature treks, diving excursions, sporting events, cultural celebrations and culinary selections will make your Spice Experience one to repeat. Whether you wish for sheer relaxation, invigorating adventures or a combination of both, your Spice Experience will satisfy.
.Grenada gives pure warmth. This is the 'Spice Isle' of the Caribbean; a geographical gem where visitors can sink into the serenity of warm breezes and soft moonlight; feel history in centuries old forts; touch the floor of the rain forest and swim among coral reefs. This is the land of spices, exotic flowers and rare fruits; the three island nation of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and the gateway to the Grenadines.

When you discover the glory of Grenada, you feel the pure warmth of our people. Our accommodations, nature treks, diving excursions, sporting events, cultural celebrations and culinary selections will make your Spice Experience one to repeat. Whether you wish for sheer relaxation, invigorating adventures or a combination of both, your Spice Experience will satisfy.
Destination Weddings to Grenada
All legal requirements can be facilitated through the appropriate Government of Grenada ministries located in the Ministerial Complex in the Botanical Gardens at St. George's. Just be here for a minimum of three days, inclusive of weekends and public holidays, before applying for a Marriage License from the Office of the Prime Minister.
A $10 (EC) fee is payable at the Ministry of Finance Treasury Department, along with $15 (EC) Stamp Duty, $2 (EC) Registration Fee Search and a $5 (EC) Stamp for placement on your Certified Marriage Certificate. The process usually takes two days. If either party is divorced the process may take longer, as documents are perused by the Ministry of Legal Affairs.Blood or other medical tests are not necessary to successfully plan your Spice Wedding.
The following documents must be provided in English:
  • Valid Passports
  • Birth Certificates
  • Sworn Affidavit (or letter from a Clergy Man, Lawyer or Registry),
  • attesting that neither party has not been married previously
  • Decree Absolute, for each divorced party
  • If widowed, the deceased's Death Certificate
  • Legal proof if a name was changed by Deed Poll
  • If under 21 years, written parental consent by way of an Affidavit from a Lawyer or Notary Public.
For more information on Grenada or any other queries please contact Luxury Arrivals and we will be delighted to help you.
Telephone:  800.585.2481 / 914.623.0250
Facsimile: 212.208.2528

Anguilla destination weddings

St. John\'s
Beautiful St. John's in Antigua
Anguilla: The largest of the British Leeward Islands
All the signs pointed towards Antigua. The largest of the British Leeward Islands had warm, steady winds, a complex coastline of safe harbours, and a protective, nearly unbroken wall of coral reef. It would make a perfect place to hide a fleet.
And so in 1784 the legendary Admiral Horatio Nelson sailed to Antigua and established Great Britain’s most important Caribbean base.
Little did he know that over 200 years later the same unique characteristics that attracted the Royal Navy would transform Antigua into one of the Caribbean’s most sought after destinations.
The signs are still there, they just point to different things.

The Trade Winds that once blew British men-of-war safely into English Harbour now fuel one of the world’s foremost maritime events, Sailing Week.
The expansive, winding coastline that made Antigua difficult for outsiders to navigate is where today’s trekkers encounter a tremendous wealth of secluded, powdery soft beaches. The coral reefs, once the bane of marauding enemy ships, now attract snorkelers and scuba divers from all over the world.
And the fascinating little island of Barbuda — once a scavenger’s paradise because so many ships wrecked on its reefs — is now home to one of the region’s most significant bird sanctuaries.
Antigua is about 14 miles long and 11 miles wide, encompassing 108 square miles. Its highest point is Boggy Peak (elevation 1,319 feet), located in the southwestern corner of the island.
The current population for the nation is approximately 68,000 and its capital is St. John’s.
Destination Weddings to Antigua
What are the fees? First, there is a registration fee of US$40 that must be paid at the courthouse in the new government buildings on Queen Elizabeth Highway. The application fee for the special marriage license is US$150, and the Marriage Officer's fee is US$50.
How about documents? What do we need?You both will need valid passports as proof of citizenship. If either of you have been previously married, then bring along the original divorce decree or, in the case of a widow or widower, the original marriage and death certificates.

Are there any other legal requirements?Both parties must be over 15, if under 18, written authorization from your parents or guardians is required. It is important that all documents presented are original or certified original by the issuing departments or offices. Ensure that all documents are in your legal name, and provide affidavits in cases where you are known by another name.
Your marriage must also be solemnized or celebrated in the presence of two or more witnesses, apart from the Marriage Officer. (Just ask a guest or two to do this for you).
Telephone:  800.585.2481 / 914.623.0250
Facsimile: 212.208.2528


Monday 28 April 2014

Where to go in the Caribbean

Villa Afimi in Jamaica - Just one of hundreds of luxury villas.
If you were given a free vacation to the Caribbean islands (No chance! You think so?) where would you choose to go? Jamaica is a great favourite, The Bahamas are very well thought of, Barbados perhaps? after all, it is the home of the beautiful Rihanna or would it be somewhere else? Could you name somewhere else? There are many people who cannot name more than a handful of the Caribbean islands, its no shame, there are just so many of them.
So, then, you would need help to sort out a great Caribbean location for this potential freebie holiday and as luck would have it, I know just the place you can get all the information you will need to make an informed decision and that is the website of Luxury Arrivals, the home of Luxury Caribbean Holidays
Luxury Arrivals have realised that choosing a Caribbean island is not that easy, after all, they all have the beautiful sunshine, blue skies, clear waters and sandy beaches, exotic flora and fauna and diverse food and drink, not to mention the music, culture and in some places, the shopping!
So, to aid you in making your Caribbean choice, Luxury Arrivals have provided you with a synopsis of many of the main contenders for your holiday, they have provided information of destinations such as The Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and many more, you just need to browse through each one, you can check the available luxury villas as you go and if you need any help in booking a vacation or you would like more information then the Luxury Arrivals staff are always on hand to help you out with your queries.

Vacations to the Caribbean Islands 2014

 Villa Afimi in Jamaica. Just one of many luxury villas available 
If you are thinking of a vacation to the Caribbean Islands then you really should be checking out the top Caribbean Vacation rentals provider  Luxury Arrivals have a comprehensive list of the best luxury villas, apartments, hotels and resorts anywhere in the Caribbean and at the best possible prices with quite a few bargains thrown in.
The featured villa in this video is Villa Afimi in Jamaica but there are many more in a hundred different Caribbean locations. Luxury Arrivals are also keen to promote their Destination weddings and honeymoons in the Caribbean, the perfect location for the perfect day and with staff and services to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Please visit the main Luxury Arrivals website.